Our Work Together

I’m honored that you’re here…

… and considering working with me! Let’s make sure I’m the right coach for you.

To help you make an informed decision, let me walk you through my coaching philosophy and how it will guide our work together.

Every client relationship is truly sacred to me.

As soon as you accept an agreement to work with me, we’ll be starting a relationship.

I believe my clients were brought to me by holy intervention. You are no exception. That’s why, once we agree to work together, our relationship is sacred to me.

Also, as described in the About page, my Higher Power has given me a divine mission to make the world safer for women, starting with the workplace. Supporting a powerful female executive leader like yourself to lead confidently as your whole self is very much a key step in fulfilling this mission.

There will be five points of connection between us.

To help you decide whether you want to enter into a coaching relationship with me, let’s talk about five points of connection between us.

These points are critical to a successful relationship that gives you the results you want:

We are both spiritual.

We have a shared belief that the solutions to our problems lie in spiritual truth. Our task together is to seek that truth and “translate” it into solutions for your predicament(s).

We absolutely don’t have to share the same religious background or spiritual orientation. As long as you believe in a Higher Power infinitely greater than your human mind, we’ll get along famously!

That said, I think it might be helpful for you to know a little about my spiritual anchor…

A Course in Miracles (ACIM)

As a reformed, converted Catholic, I’ve explored different spiritual paths for many years. Ultimately, I found my spiritual anchor in A Course in Miracles –commonly referred to as “the Course” or “ACIM.”

If you aren’t familiar with the Course, it’s a set of non-denominational, spiritual, psychotherapeutic principles aimed at empowering human beings to live a joyful life free of limitations.

The “miracle” in the ACIM context is a shift in perception from fear to Love – a move from hell to heaven as a state of consciousness fully within our human control.

Fear is the ego’s domain, and it perpetuates a victimhood mentality by dwelling in anger, jealousy, defensiveness, righteous indignation, and other limiting thoughts. It convinces us that these feelings are real and undeniable, thus creating the experience of being trapped in hell.

Love is the original condition with which we were born – before life experiences made us “forget” our innocence, wholeness, and lovability. In our uncorrupted Self – a Self of love, gratitude, compassion, kindness, and expansiveness – we experience heaven on earth.

Leveraging ACIM to help you…

I’m specifically certified to coach based on these very powerful principles. This is a tried-and-true approach to empower you with 100% agency and control over your reality.

It can be applied to any problem, and it has worked miracles like inspiring career paths, saving marriages, and manifesting soul mates.

Combined with other coaching techniques, I can help you achieve your objectives quickly and effectively.

We own and are fully accountable for our parts of the relationship.

My role in this relationship is to help you remove what’s keeping you from accessing the wisdom and answers you need to get you out of hell.

And I’m not just talking about the current hell or state. It’s my intention for you to be fully self-sufficient – able to deal with future hells long after we’ve stopped working together.

Of course, once we’ve built a relationship, I’m always happy to welcome you back as a client anytime. But, again, my intention is for you not to need me longer than necessary.

You will always have my compassion, understanding, and love… to hear, see, and feel the pain you’re experiencing. However, I won’t join you in perpetuating that grievance story, as that won’t serve you.

Instead, my job is to guide you out of it.

I alluded to multiple “me too” incidents in my bio. Hands down, no one could argue that I was the victim of those horrible violations. However, if I had continued to identify with being a victim, I’d have been permanently stuck in hell. I simply refused to give more of my power away.

And neither should you. And it’s my job as your coach to help you ensure you don’t. I’ll guide you to ways you can avoid getting stuck in victim stories, no matter how egregious they might be.

With all of this said, your part in this relationship is to take 100% ownership and accountability for your transformation. I can’t do that for you.

We don’t make excuses.

Once I’ve secured a weekly timeslot for you, it’s our sacred time. We honor each other and our agreement to show up each time and be fully present.

And it goes beyond just being physically present. It’s also showing up with minds and hearts open or closed. By entering into a coaching agreement, we are both pledging to show up fully with no excuses.

So, let’s talk about what may happen.

You may get busy. You may start needing to cancel or ask to reschedule our sessions. We both know it. “Busy” is the socially acceptable excuse not to show up.

I’ve been where you are. I know how demanding the corporate executive life can be. But, as we both know, when something is significant enough to us, there’s always time for it.

“I’ve completely lost track of time.”

“An urgent issue at work just came up.”

“I really need to take care of this now.”

These and similar statements sound legitimate, but what they really say is that getting out of your current predicament is not that important or urgent.

I’m not talking about truly unexpected emergencies, like your child falling ill or an accident.

Your spiritual practice will keep excuses at bay. I can also give you tools to bolster fending off this inner saboteur.

But, ultimately, you must own your success and be fully accountable for your commitment to the coaching process.

The Course says that we only lack that which we do not give. You reap what you sow: no exceptions… no excuses.

We both stay curious with a beginner’s mind.

As accomplished leaders, we have experienced and learned so much.

Few challenges are entirely new, objectively speaking. But if we aren’t careful, we could become arrogant and dismissive, even if unintentionally.

One of the tenets of ACIM is:

We are never upset for the reasons we think.

I’ve witnessed this over and over and over – in others and myself.

What starts as your primary grievance is really just a symptom of something else – a loose thread begging to be pulled so that the tapestry can be unraveled to reveal the real problem underneath.

Want an example? Meet Stacy*:

Stacy paid to join a virtual networking group. During their second meeting, a bug in the platform caused her not to hear someone talking. Yet, the group continued to dialogue back and forth as if she wasn’t there, and the facilitator didn’t offer any help. That left her feeling really hurt from being invisible and ignored.

Being extremely protective of her limited discretionary time, she was planning on quitting the group. But once I asked her some questions, it became clear that the incident triggered a forgotten childhood wound of feeling invisible and ignored by the adults, including her mother.

While the technical glitch was annoying, it wasn’t egregious enough to warrant quitting. Staying in that group would actually provide a safe space for her to practice showing up fully without taking risks in front of her own colleagues while she’s building up confidence. By quitting for the wrong reason for her upset, she would have done herself a major disservice by missing a growth opportunity.

To ensure that I’m helping you gut the root cause of your hell and see what’s really going on, we have to lay aside what we think we know.

We have to stay curious and open-minded.

We have to approach each situation as if we’re seeing it for the first time (hence, the beginner’s mind). A beginner has no experience telling her what the new situation is about… and absolutely no preconceived idea of the solution. As we work together, I’ll help us both keep this in mind – to keep us looking at the right problem and remaining open to any solution (even those that might not be obvious or even counter-intuitive at first).

This is how innovative breakthroughs and creative solutions are birthed.

Let’s keep our sights on the prize: your desired outcomes.

*Name changed to protect client confidentiality.

We are willing to be real with each other.

Let’s face it: Life has taught us to present ourselves in such a way as to earn acceptance and love. And a big part of that is donning various masks to keep our vulnerabilities hidden.

If you’re familiar with the Enneagram of personality types, I have “the achiever” mask. It’s a very common mask for female executives.

Always having it together

Always being polished

Always a picture of success…

We wear this mask to be credible, accepted, respected, and even revered.

I’ve been working for years to get rid of that mask, and, for the most part, I’ve done it. But on a bad day, my “achiever” can rear her fearful head, hungry for validation.

In our work together, I pledge to show up as the real, unmasked, undefended me. And, I ask you to do the same.

That can be easier on some days than others. It comes with the territory of being human. But we’re going to agree to do our best on that day to show up real.

Sometimes, you may not even be aware that you’re showing up masked and defended. But I’ll know, and I’ll gently guide you to drop your defenses.

And there will be days when your resistance to being real will be high. But I’ll provide a safe space for you to confront and disarm it.

All I ask is for you to be WILLING be real with me… as I will be with you… because this will be critical to your success.

Are you ready for your free discovery session?

If the above five points of connection resonate with you, there’s more than a good chance I’ll be able to help you. Integrity is a core value to me, so I don’t say this lightly.

Having been there myself, I know how lonely it can be for a female executive in a less than supportive corporate environment. I’d love for you to have me in your corner.

Just give me a call at (650) 579-3120 or fill out the contact form to schedule a free discovery session so that I can learn more about how to help you.