Achieve greater success
that’s deeply fulfilling!

Be valued for all your leadership qualities!

You’ve successfully climbed the corporate ladder.

You’re well-respected for your sharp-witted intelligence, your masterful ability to plan and execute flawlessly.

You’ve earned your stripes by consistently delivering great results.

But is that enough?

Is that all there is meant for you?

No! That voice inside you that used to be faint is screaming louder and louder every day.

You’ve poured blood, sweat, and tears into getting where you are. There’s so much more you can do.

But not within the confines of your role.

There’s no room in your assigned pigeonhole to be fully you.

Nor is it safe.

You easily see connections across ideas that defy functional boundaries – the way things have always been done.

Because your intuitive vision and creative point of view don’t fit neatly into the boxes of the corporate structure, they are dismissed.

You are dismissed.

It feels like you have no choice but to continue to contort yourself to fit in.

That really hurts. More and more.

After so many years on this corporate path, you wonder:

“Who have I become? How much longer can I keep this up?”


You’re constantly told you’re too much.

Your ideas are too much. Every conversation leads to more actions.

Can you dial it down a bit, please? To you, it might as well say, “Go back into your cage!”

But, wait a minute… aren’t we trying to break through? To innovate? Aren’t we out of alignment with what we claim we want to do?

What if I’m not too much, but you’re just not my people?

You care so deeply… but who cares about you?

Your team knows you care, feels it. You look out for them, inspire them, teach them, help them be their best. They will follow you into battle. Other teams want to be in your org, to have you advocate for them.

You give. You love. You care. From the depths of your soul, wholeheartedly and passionately. Every. Single. Day.

Yet, when you meet with your boss or go in front of the board…

… you have to stuff all of this back into the closet.

It isn’t safe. You were even dinged for caring, for having an employee vs. a management mindset.

This is just flat-out wrong! Organizations are but gatherings of people. Without people, there are no products, no sales, no revenue, no profits. No company. Period.

How much longer can you go it alone?

The higher you climb on the corporate ladder, the lonelier it gets.

Who can you really trust?

Who really has your back?

Who really wants you to succeed?


You’re at a scary crossroads…

It’s numbing to imagine that this is your life indefinitely

Constant overwhelm. Incessant worries that you may drop the ball. It never ends … like a hamster’s wheel.

If you aren’t careful, burnout is next. Then what?

But you can’t just walk away from what you’ve worked so hard to build. Why should you?

And if you do walk away, you could fail. Spectacularly. That’s terrifying!!!

…which path do you choose?

Is the devil you know better than the devil you don’t?

There’s no easy answer. However, you don’t have to feel paralyzed in this terrifying juncture all alone.

You can make the best decision for you now.

Advances in neuroscience research says you can. By firing up all cylinders in all intelligence centers within you.

Not sure how you’d make this decision?

You don’t have to figure this out alone. The right help is available to you now.

The Higher Power you know asks me to offer you this invitation…


Sink into my arms and

Let me be your strength, your refuge.

Give me the parts that are bruised, that ache –

I’ll set them free with ribbons of white silk.

Surrender your stubbornness with doing it your way.

You fool no one, not even yourself.

Who does being responsible or giving truly serve,

When you empty your heart and abandon your soul?

There is an easier, gentler way, my love –

If you’d drop your armor and give up the fight.

When doubt or fear browbeats you,

Let me be your breath, your heartbeat.

At the gateway of come what may,

I’ll show you what lies beyond your grandest dreams.

So, lay down your cross and take my hand,

Let me guide you to where you truly belong.


Your Higher Power wants you to know you aren’t alone, that you’re very loved.

Your prayers/wishes had been heard: You need support to be the woman you came into this life to be, to lead as the powerhouse you’ve been groomed to become through your trials by fire.

Poem, “The Invitation” by Alice Chan, Ph.D. All rights reserved.


I’ve been asked to help you…

From your Higher Power:

Alice is uniquely qualified to help you. She has walked your walk and knows your pain. She is as smart, educated, driven, and accomplished as you are. She has a heart of gold like you and cares as deeply as you care. Like you, she has fire and passion for days. 

Working with her will make you feel like a true kindred spirit is holding you. She will help to ease your pain and hold your hand through your journey to lead confidently in your full, magnificent self.

With her as your ally, you no longer need to feel alone.

Learn more about Alice

Not entirely sure about accepting
this invitation?

Take a moment to center yourself,
close your eyes, and consider the following:

come into the void with me
platinum silence
golden light
weightless peace
silky grace

melt into this moment
cares on the altar
tasks laid aside
past vanished
future yet to be

savor this holy instant
paint our legacy
you and I
Love so pure and true
for all eternity

Poem, “now” by Alice Chan, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

A helping hand has been extended to you.

Will you take it?